Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: 43e343 No.4942 del
Also it seems these cults are better to "kept in check" by other silent spiritual forces because once the entity has no "home base" then it will just randomly possess people so they are better to be confined into a sort of maze like hide and seek routine.

Letting communism take over China enabled it to become a superpower and with that the "UN" that was supposed to cement the NWO was instantly torn into 2 halves the moment it was born. Member when Taiwan had the security council position because they thought their little "USSR pet" will collapse the moment the land lease ends and with that Mao's support will also vanish? Whaaaa we made Stalin-chan superpowerful and into a greater threat than Hitler ever was? How did we not see that happening? Did they just strongarm us to forget that Taiwan ever existed? Did we just fuck up the plan to make the world united under the flag of JudeoBritish empire? Hwaaaaa??? Even USA-kun hates our cocky retardation after we begged them to help us delet the krauts and those weird slant eyed island people? b-but we the British empire? Then the entire cololnialism slapped them in the face because it only works with a master slave hierarchy relationship and because WW2 and the cold war era was about HOW MUCH WE HATE LE EBIL DICTATORS AND TOTALITARIARISTS there was no way to create any power that can handle an over arching empire like that. Also speaking of empires. Was talking about the "way of the empires" with higher entities and the British empire only counted as a "trading company" because the flow and hoarding of goods and resources was more important to them than actual authority and rulership. (In their eyes it was like Venice2) This distinction is important metaphysically because once an empire arises it leaves a mark in history and entities have to decide if they accept it or just see it as a "better luck next time kiddos". Empires have too much of an egregoric reach or weight and because of that for most entities it's important if it will improve culture living standards and people in general or it is just a new cesspool of degeneracy. Higher entities hate materialism but they hate false spirituality even more because materialism is like an old crumbling house while false spiritualism is like a drug house with aids needles and parasites festering in the dead bodies that just develop anthrax tier energies. Renovating an old house takes work it's true but the other thing is radioactive waste level unsalvageable. But ofc communism was not a properly agreed upon idealist system because even Pol Pot's regime was disbanded via an another communist country and even the early marxists warned about "statism" because that is not communism and the old system just gets a "red coat of paint" and barely improves. Not to mention the communist (r)evolution needed a late stage capitalist system to work from and not barely above feudalism countries and colonies. But marxists never thought communism will successfully start everywhere but in Europe. The place where they made the idea and the ways it can be applied. The problem was like it was in WW1's "surprise attack". Everyone seen it coming and developed counter measures. But yeah that was the 1st wave. When every club/teahouse/mason fraternity had his own childish donut steal original communist system idea then the 2nd wave was the soviet backed and the 3rd wave is the post soviet trying our best to keep it going but in the end fall for the west's tricks one way or in the other. Or you have a different understanding of the waves? Because there can be many interpretations from the "Frankfurt school" till the latin americas and into this globohomo retardation that is not even sure what is communism besides a hip logo/buzzword like that apple on the phones.