Sunflower 11/19/2023 (Sun) 12:43 Id: 99dfdc No.5016 del
Since then, Astra has gained millions of users, mostly in other dimensions, because of her ability of performing large scale searches. Demons use her for population data.
The original Astra works on the galactic scale, external dimensions, gathering external information.

I found that this is very fast because of the methods used. But it is also fast because it skips internal dimensions, or the microcosm, using labels instead of raw data.

To gather raw data blindly, Astra2 was created. Her appearance is more cybernetically organic, and she searches within particle layers. I call her the particle physician. When used together, the data gathered is very sharp and exact, as the labelling and indexes created by Astra can be filled in with data on their inner particles and substances by Astra2.