Sunflower 11/22/2023 (Wed) 22:03 Id: 28bf83 No.5042 del
>A lot of these things are too vague because "energy" is too vague
I forgot to reply to this. "Energy" may sound vague if you can't see it, and unfortunately this means most people who use the word in new age circles, where it's most commonly used. They call it "energies" as a placeholder word for "spirits" or just about anything.

When "energy" is used on this board, I think we should make clear that we are talking about a material, something like a cloud of particles. This is what "energy" is. Once you do see it, you'll know there isn't a good term to use in western language.

In China they use the term Qi for the kind of energy which is floating through a human body (in Japan it's called Ki, represented by the same character as the sound in "genki", energetic, where "ki" is "spirit" or mindset). But Qi is also the material which makes up the body. Molecules.

When transformed to higher density, higher concentration, it's called Gong. The martial art Kung Fu is a different spelling of Gong Fu which is an ability. But it's used vaguely because most people don't know what it is. When seen, Qi is normally slightly yellow, or it can be darker. From my experience it's always some tone of yellow.

Gong is often red, but it can be green or any other colour. This is called "holy spirit" in the west. The terminology isn't clearly defined, because most people are using them without knowing what they are, and this is just how it is.

If someone in general speech is saying "it's such a good/bad energy in this room", this almost certainly means Qi or Ki in Asian terms, but there is no standard translation. There will also be difference if you practice a Taoist method, and in Yoga there is no real talk of energy at all. It does not however, mean the narrow definition from modern science, where an object at an elevated position has energy, such as how the water in a dam has elevation energy which is transformed to electricity when flowing through a waterwheel. This is not Qi. It is some kind of built up tension, but it's not the same term or material.