Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 01:06 Id: 2620dd No.5053 del
>Are you... vaxxed? by any chance?
No, but even if I was that would have nothing to do with a placebo. Some people were basically blackmailed into getting the shot or losing their job (I was unemployed around that time).

Someone holding a gun to your head is not a placebo lol. Don't think that people were just getting it because they believed the media.

As for everything else you've said, I think the whole "it won't work because of your mindset" thing doesn't make sense and it really just sounds like gas lighting (which is sad if someone does it to themselves).

Have you considered how dangerous your mindset could be for someone who is practicing absolute garbage by a fake author, endlessly telling themselves that "it's my fault it's not working", not considering that what they are trying to do isn't even possible?

My mindset is, something either works or it doesn't. Blind belief is for religions and cults, and I'm not joining either. Now that doesn't mean I'm saying training in the occult/magic has to work instantly, but there has to be an observable change in which I can observe that it's working over time.

If there was a light switch that when flipped turned the lights on randomly within the next 15 minutes, nobody would buy that light switch. But a light switch that slowly dims or brightens over the course of 15 minutes can atleast be observed as functioning, and will probably get some novelty buyers. I expect training in the occult/magic to work that way. If I can't see gradual improvement I won't bother with the training, as there are no guarantees in life and that training may not even work (or I might just be incapable of being successful at that specific kind of training).

There's no reason to try and force a square peg into a round hole.

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