Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:11 Id: 5d87d8 No.5127 del
>calling me that due to the pictures i post here
Because when you posted and I looked into you you were talking about how your sisters always turn you into a doll and I didn't wanted to call you "sister anon".
>Great beyond?
>>4703 the thing I wrote about here.
>the adjacent place for trypper
It's dimensional structuring. It means it is close to earth in a way.
>who is some kind of angel
Yeah this is who I was talking about

>and his body is now owned by a walk-in.
Yeah wondered what is with him

>If you try to understand Trypper, you will be looking at whoever is currently using this body
How do I explain my problem with "Understanding him". So he fights with his mundane personality patterns then posts dimensional sigils that are not simple and I am not sure about their meaning. So if I say I want to "understand Trypper" I think I want to say I want to understand the "angel Trypper" and the reason or way why (s)he posts the sigils... It feels like this sigil posting is just a "training" or passing time but... is it really?
>That's all.

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