Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:02 Id: 5d87d8 No.5142 del
>entail apart from you know... love?
Way too fucking complicated because of multiple reasons. First the concept of "love" got perverted in the modern era thanks to degenerates. Seconds "love" is hard to express with words. And third I walk the path of understanding which results in knowledge and power and I see "love" as just a mere component and not the whole thing and because of that I am unable to explain how it will relate to you. Like I am unable to simp or worship women or other beings but I can understand them and help/work with them. I can generate and accept "love" but not make myself into a being of pure love in an Aphrodite way... But I am working on it. Love keeps the universe together... in a way

>Demons can be very persistent
Yeah I had an urge to pull out my weapons as a "stay back" signal and my subconcious guard energy just released an I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU warning so yeah some beings got a little too pushy. This is why I said these places are "not my thing". If others are famous about "not behaving" then I have no way maintaining a composure.