Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:15 Id: 645240 No.5348 del
>The force causing migraines is the natural growth trying to create the proper reflex in the brain

Yeah I am kinda "lucky" in this regard because I was plagued with headaches in my childhood and once I learned that I am psychic and "drew up a plan" how to develop my powers from the way I played and invested skillpoints into videogames I realized healing and pain management is the first I need to accomplish. So I learned to turn off migraines tinnitus cramps hiccups and other things with my mind...
In the last years I found out how I just "overwired" my brain and how I need to get rid of the whole structure to learn how to do it "properly" but at least even being bad at things gives you learning experience so I was no stranger to this world.

Like my "anima" showing me how I wired my brain...
So I controlled with my left brain my entire solar plexus my sexual energies and with that I just went and overtook my right brain from the bottom. So even tho it was a workaround it gave me power over myself. So I had to get rid of this whole "cursed wiring" and see how the parts connect within the "third eye" naturally then at the "hearts eye" then the liver pancreas stomach kidney group (still considering it the hardest one) how the entrails are just a long snake and how the "dickwomb" is the same organ which has the "otherside" in "etheric form" and how I need to "pull up/in" my balls as a muscle so they can be as they are in the legs and hooooooooo boy.

There is a reason why they say you need a master for this to learn. It should be a reflex and once you learn the reflex wrong it takes genuine luck or effort to learn the correct one.

Kinda the opposite tho. Menstruation is a failed mechanism and yes even the vedic texts wrote how you have to connect the semen and the menstrual blood. It's a sort of brain fluid that your body generates and the texts wrote how men have the menstruating blood in their brain/3rd eye and the opposite for women. Silly stuff but they had to say it like this because everyone knows what is semen and menstrual blood. When they came up with special words for every energy type the body has then the spiritual texts become nearly unintelligible. This is why it is always symbolic with animals and plants and others things. Like scientific cartoons for children.