Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:46 Id: 29148a No.5354 del
>You talk with your mouth to them?
not much, i mostly speak to them with my thoughts, its me occasionally saying something verbally serves as an "anchor" of sorts

>Yeah that will happen until you get "used to" the "new(old) (You)". But at least you notice it. Good development.
i see...

>The world would be such a simple place if love would be easy to understand.
true though im mostly just calling it confusing whenever i see others in love and stuff. Even if my main/fated/natural/whatever path is love... i dont really like how transactional it is. I know you mentioned it before but i finally noticed it
>see other guys want something trasnactional in their relationship
>see the same thing with women
>noticed in myself when i went emo going "I cant get with anyone, i dont have anything to offer a woman/man"
it just makes me feel a bit more... detached from things.

that aside, i ran into a phoenix bird woman but i think glowies are trying to start something again or tried to do some weird interracial cuck programming on me but it didnt do much.. apart from making me feel disgust