Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 01:26 Id: 43e343 No.5456 del
>there will be only one major company in every field. One social media platform. One search engine. One marketplace. One bank. One car manufacturer

Everytime someone reaches the "monopoly stage" they crumble. They think they "won" so there is no need to keep the appearances the quotas or anything. They think they are the "boss of the world" which makes the underdogs band up and they wait for the moment. The only way to keep the "monopoly" is to act the same way like you are not monopoly at all and keep up the quality. But this mentality is not something that USA produces. Once they get ahead they go instantly SUCK MY DIIIIIIIICK LOSERZ. It's kinda funny how the forefathers warned the USA in the beginning against everything it is now. But that's what happens when you have too many jews around.

>One Führer
They have a clown and a dementia patient. Wonder when will they reveal the ONE AND ONLY that will bother to clean up the mess they created in the last 2 decades (or centuries).

>don't need to waste resources on internal struggle
My favorite is how they buy up companies then fire half the employees then make the other half redundant via assimilating them into their already inefficient workflow that only works because they are on a monopoly level. Fuck google and microsoft. At least facebook is dying and the one car manufacturer is nowhere close and the One bank... lol. Those "Russian Sanctions" just managed to make countries understand that letting that happen is the worst thing to happen to the world. THis Ukroshit really bothers me but the Gods told me if it ends too soon then the people will "forget it" then a new war will break out and the same script will play again and they will just gain control slowly by infecting more and more places but if it drags out in this retarded way the infection will cannibalize itself in the process. Rats cannibalize each other after all if there is nothing else around

>when you control every part yourself
vertical monopoly. Yes that is where real monopoly begins.
>Compare to free market
We should call it "jewed market" because otherwise this concept makes no sense.
>with outsourcing to private operations

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