Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:12 Id: 43e343 No.5529 del
Guess I will explain the dragonlord also because your explanation was a good addition to the glimpse I took on the overview of your adminship.
So a dragonlord is a "self made reptilian" of sorts. One that can tame a dragon on such level he can become one. Now these people are either the mythical progenitor of reptilians in some ways or some entities that are so fucking beyond any form they can take that form because they have such a genetic mastery no one can call them "Inferior" in any way.

Now the reason this "privilege class" exists is because as cool these guys sound they are usually fucking senile boomers. They just bothered to incarnate after eons and their first problem is WHY ARE THINGS SO SHIT THINGS WERE SO GREAT IN THE MYTHICAL GOLDEN AGE HOW COULD YOU COPPER AGE RETARDS FUCK IT UP THIS BAD. They are either all knowing wise masters or so senile because the hurdle of reincarnation that they need "help" to get back to their place. As they get back they sorta become "wikipedia editors" because old legends that inspired technologies for ages to come can be explained via SOURCE? I WAS FUCKING THERE then they link their memory access to that place. Entropy is a harsh bitch and it warps even the best memory storages.
But the most important feature of it is having a supersized history log because sometimes things are just fucked for no one knows why and some dragonlord takes a glimpse at it and fixes with 0 effort because IT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME HE INCARNATED and has the knowhow. It's ridiculous and the problem is that these old systems are superarchaic and have very little use for most people. Like srsly it surprises me quite a lot that I can use some systems then I have no idea what I am doing again. Truly the senile boomer way of technology. Made me realize I have to focus on the return of my abilities instead of "having fun" with this.

>"minion" access.
So it seems "minions" are like forks of a software or children of the parent which means they are the "responsibility" of the admin in a way but it boils down how the admin can give some of his "rights" to the "Minions" so they are above "slave" because slave is akin to the "slave to the system" that are sorta "free to use resource" but on a "macro level" which means "macro access admins" can make use of them. A macro access admins have rights to use most resources but have to coordinate with other admins and with some "overseers" who are above admins but they don't do much programming they just make sure nobody does super fuck ups.

>few people working for the Russian government who also have developer mode access
I remember when this whole "cancel Russia" started and McDonalds Apple and all the globohomo retards were pulling out then Nestle said no wai fag we stay. That kinda showed me who has "real power/responsibility" and not "too big to fall ESG funded retardocorps"
>reptilians decided it's worth the investment
Chinks and other Asians srsly need to "unretard" themselves. The stagnation they endured for millennia then this industrial revolution fucked their pace up and once they unfuck themselves they can finally be proper parts of the development of history but currently they are really at "retard level" and this is why every fucking megacorp outsources everything there because they are cheap labor but that will not really result in progress and that needs to change. That place is demographically fucked and I have no idea what will happen with them. That "bug" mentality is something that is not just bad for the bugs but for those that "handle them".

Try to talk to it. I have many specks of lights like that with different functions. They are usually sentient or they are a manifestation of your will