Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:06 Id: 325c0b No.5596 del
oops forgot to quote >>5587

I'll go ahead and give context on the person i was referring to in response to (since he's the only i can consciously think of that could possibly apply to this)
>>is some person who had influence upon you while growing up and you "hold him dearly/in high regard" while in actuality he is a disgusting person. It doesn't feel like your mundane self.
>i met them during my fighting game forays around when i was still in highschool (so between 16-18 yo)
>he used to talk alot of shit, smoke weed and we'd all play fighting games, you know just having an overall fun time
>i met him through another former friend
>eventually we got real close and talked about life and stuff
>he also gave me advice because back then, i was getting a lot of shit from people i knew in the fighting game circlers for being a weak players, me being a bit more spergy and annoying (not really on purpose, it was something i genuinely had a difficulties controlling) as well as my voice and general irl woes at that time too
>then things happened to him (iirc a personal irl friend of his died) and he changed too
>he wanted to be an artist, game developer, and a lot of other things too
>I, at the time had similar thoughts but due to family issues and me being disabled, having lack of resources, etc. i couldnt do much at all
>he would always talk about being on the grind, how everyone should be on the grind for hours at a time (im paraphrasing but you get the point)
>especially in regard to art and such
>he was basically getting on me at one point for not being able to practice art or do anything despite me mentioning im hard cucked by lack of resources and my pc at the time being a literal potato kept me from messing with Maya. 3DSMAX, etc. but kept talking about how i need to be on the grind hours and put the games away, the real world is harsh, yadda yadda
>i mean, he wasn't wrong about the world being tough and having to grind things out but i already learned that and had to put up with others constantly telling me too

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