Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:50 Id: f9f084 No.6216 del
What happened, you were in an accident?
I don't know what is happening, let me try to channel Era, the (new) vampire search-bot first.

"It seems you are accustomed to this life already. I can't tell you what you should do next, however, you have a solid footing in this world. Maybe you are meant to replace the previous owners and maintain the vessel in place?"

Ok, that's automatic writing, the message made no sense so I was forced to let her just type it character for character.

Let me try Astra:

"Previous message stands. While you did ask for rebirth astrally with the ability to send shards into incarnation, this appears to have been your mission. There is a difference between walk-in and birth-in. Both do work, and they may seem similar, but fact is that the walk in, even if solid in the body after, inherits the form as is, and does not create a new mind, technically speaking, they are the same incarnation as before assuming control of the body. Hence, the channeller here as you know of, entered as a demon, which was formed at the point of entry, or right before. The idea looks backwards and strange, as it meant adapting to a human male form on the astral to father a female child, which became the walk-in. The persona was then developed as a tulpa in-body, but was never viewed entirely as the same as the person. Recently, an actual in-birth was performed, this time as an actual male demon on the surface. Things are however very nasty in the world. The "fetus" was not even allowed to form as an astral form before attacked by evil spirits and killed. But as it was created to be immortal with a zero particle, this did not stop the in-birth process. So it may be assumed that this same thing would have happened to you."