Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:58 Id: f9f084 No.6217 del
I've been using this very method a lot recently, after I reached a plateau with creating servitor dolls in some areas. It appears the dolls "count as" gong manifestations in many cases which means they are indeed intelligent energy forms. But in other cases an actual body is needed, so then it should be incarnated. I came up with the idea of sending part of myself, like stretching out an unused part of my soul the currently does't do anything. Imagine taking a balloon with no air in it, and this is the soul. Then you focus on one square centimeter of the balloon and stretch that one out to become a new balloon (assuming this is possible), then that balloon which was just a small shard is now a new soul and can incarnate in the body with engineered DNA. (There are aliens, also aside from greys, who offer this as a service. They can incarnate any soul, so what I did was to pay for an original summon to get a "super engineered" female and then I let her be the mother of new incarnations. Once you've done this, you can incarnate a new soul-shard of yourself as such a perfected mother type and simply use her to do this in the future if you want.)