Sunflower 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:45 Id: 5a4c15 No.6228 del
But it didn't matter because I started explaining how the best course of action is to accuse everyone that they work for the other side and look at their response and try to read them and if everyone is "innocent" then the "enemy" will make a move to use the confusion anyway and at that moment they can be caught.
As I was thinking about this I noticed that I am in a completely different game suddenly. It was like my hands and legs were tied behind my back and I was glued to the wall in almost absolute darkness. As I was trying to use my intuition to figure out wtf just happened I got an answer "Santa Muerte"... Was not sure if my intuition was not working properly or am I in a far weirder place than I am supposed to be and might be not even be part of the test anymore so I broke free. I started to rip off the binding of my limbs and slowly detached from the wall. As it happened I started to think maybe I literally "birthed" myself into a new dimension or just lost between places like it happens from time to time?
Was thinking I don't have the time to think because I am quite the foreign territory and there were no "objectives" for the test which means it is pointless to think about especially if I managed to leave the area of the test which means if I am at a foreign territory I might be fucked. With that I reached a balcony and as I noticed above me there is only darkness and below me is light I jumped down by instinct because at least "I see" something there but as I was jumping I was thinking maybe that was a "trap" and I should've gone to the darkness.
Before I was able to finish the thought I reached a sandy ground with a pink signed way maker and suddenly realized I am in a sort of "dojo" where everyone is learning to fight with a knife. As I realized I might be deeply fucked the instructor said:
>Why are we always being attacked (I wonder)
He said it with such a smile I was not sure if he was rhetorical or this is part of the test but no one signaled that attacking others is part of the test but whatever I am in a dojo where my enemies are certainly faster than me and have a proper fighting techniques so I don't have too much time to waste thinking so I was scanning for a way to fight. I didn't notice it in the dream but later that there was a knife in the air signaling that I could grab that and fight with it but I instantly discarded in the dream because I thought it is like in a western the moment I touch the gun I get shot and they will say "it was a fair fight because I showed hostility" so to avoid that I realized the students are taking up their formation but they are not sure if they can attack me because the master did not give the command nor I grabbed the knife yet. Time was almost in slow motion because I started to pick up my fighting style and it usually happens when my focus activates. Instead of grabbing the knife or wasting time with an answer because there was a "diplomacy is not an option not even as a way to gain time to think" I realized that the students are not that good but they cover all my blindspots while the master was sure as hell outclassing me but was waiting for me to make a "mistake" so he can finish me off. With this I concluded that my only way is to focus on the master and use the weakness of the students to my benefit so as a girl was "hesitating" but almost decided that it is time to attack me I grabbed her hand and I threw her at the master then as I noticed that the master quite did not expect me that I will throw her at him for the sole purpose that he gains a blindspot then the better students started to attack me and as I realized that finally there is a "hostility" in the air that I can finally "read" and my fighting style is finally ready and I am 3 students away to go after the master (someone stabbed me in the left side of my butt/upperleg but I ignored it because it was not fatal)...

The master lying on the ground with a "I cannot believe this shit" face just said.

>Okay. You are accepted.