Sunflower 02/10/2024 (Sat) 23:27 Id: 68614f No.6240 del
>it's uncanny how the heights and tenctacles/cables are almost the same
I had a feeling what you saw was "from the enemy view" compared to my perspective, since I created an automatically replicating bot which can also become a real being if the situation allows it, and because of its make up it will replicate and gather around any transmitter of evil information to destroy it. Because these are bots, they will not stop coming, they're an automatic process fueled by karma and qi which is resident in the area; transmit evil shit and you create an environment for them. They are representations of karmic retribution essentially. From the enemy view they could be harpies.

The rest of what you wrote did match this understanding of being inside a karmic dimension, the knife training being a way to imitate what I do etc. They always imitate things I create without actually understanding them, it comes from some poser "fake it 'til you make it" way of life.