Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 00:07 Id: 5a4c15 No.6242 del
>From the enemy view they could be harpies.
They lacked your signature tho. Also the harpies came as long as I properly overtook the tower. There are some "rules" and this is why I said I am "consecrating" my territory otherwise it does not count as "mine". It is a sort of the "place" needs to decide that it wants to be a part of my... network? Network is the closest concept I have so far but I think I need a better concept to describe it. Area of influence is not quite right... Energetic interests may sound closer what I mean. And yes I am aware how some beings and most of your works are synced with those energies and only operate in them.

Also it is not about the "knife" it is about the "sharpness element". Like how weapons have elements and "healing" can be done via taking out the "sword element" of the wound then let it close. I have seen that in the Reign of Assassins but I know how you can take out energetic impurities from wounds then let the natural energies of the body flow and they close and heal fast. I think the "knife" was just a simple conceptual manifestation for me.

Do you just stare at a perfectly sharpened sword or knife and see the "sharpness" instead of the blade or the knife itself. Maybe it is something that only some selected weirdos can be enamored with. The fact that sharpness can be considered as an element is still surprising and it is something I have to handle cautiously because I just opened up channels and that made other channels clog with other energies so I have to realize how to connect them properly to other channels again. The worst part is that thx to my energy flow physical injuries don't even register in my brain until I increase the baseline sensitivity my flesh generates.

Just don't invoke the timetravelers curse where they trap you in entropy spirals and such. At least make the Tanya anime come out sooner with your newfound powers