Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 23:10 Id: 5a4c15 No.6258 del
>wonder where the fuck was this filmed
Eastern-Europe if white.

>I created it, to my knowing
Oh okay then. Was wondering because I encountered something "real black" when I was still deeply vampiring and was not sure if that cultivation is making itself show on this stage but no this is not exactly that.
>darkest nastiest form of brutality which still has style and a good effect
Yes this feeling is something I understand and was wondering if this will "lead" to the other side but we are still at the anti glow measures. Was weird because those who are the "real masters of darkness" like to "keep it that way" and not flaunt it for everyone. And they usually murder everyone who even dares to go close. You need to have a "real good scent" to be able to get anywhere close. Fun guys overall tho.

>almost all anime studio workers turn NPC
So not all of them huh. Those poor animators are better off being NPCs for sure.
>that's why the quality was turning more and more shit
Especially for NUT. Why did they even make anime with almost 0 premise. 16bit sensation explained so well how "creation" needs a sort of "energy" to succeed otherwise it is a bland forgettable flop. Funny how as fast AI takes hold it gets castrated because of the dumbest reasons.
>You can see the change if you watch what happened with the shows of the fall season compared to summer
Yeah I hope NUT finds it's energy because i don't want a shitty Youjo Senki S2