Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 20:21 Id: 5a4c15 No.6311 del
>I also saw living skeletons around me when I was around 6, I called them "pirate skeletons", I still don't know what they were.
I too got those "guards" when I was going through the vampiric then lich initiations. You said you had a vampire past. There might have been your safeguards. I don't know but looking at all my childhood interaction with the otherworlds was crucial for me because as a child I could even see the colors of the astral and I had to understand that the reason why my powers didn't awaken more prominently because if they were I would have murdered many people with them for disrespecting me. It was always weird how those teachers that were mean to me always vanished. I had to learn to coexist with people "on the same level"... It went so effortlessly in the beginning until all the family issues started interfering with my development. Can't really blame anyone for that tho. They all got those issues from others they were just simply too weak and too distracted to get rid of them by themselves.

>I forgot about it and didn't think of it again.
I noticed how I can burst clouds and manipulate the weather on a class trip in Transylvania. Then as we went home I completely forgot it until I was bored again and merely stared front of myself like in the trip. Was thinking: How did I forget something so groundbreaking? Took me at least 2 years while practicing to even consider maybe others can do this too? Then I googled it and found a site with some dude explaining how he can also do this and that's where I heard the term "aeromancy" first. And with that term I managed to find the psychic communities.

>felt like something this complicated and amazing had to have been created by God or aliens in the least
I always thought humans can do it if they really want it. I always believed in the human potential. But then again my dad was a mechanic so working with machines was something obvious for me. I always though God is far away from us and we need to make the world. The atheist mentality was always in the air and back then science and technology was evolving at such a neckbreak speed I believed it will continue until we become a space faring race in 2030-50. When finding out I had psychic powers I just concluded it is just an evolutionary trait. Humans always were able to shape their environment and doing it with our mind is just merely the next step. First it was merely about psionics but once I realized that the ancient religions and "magic" is merely the extension of psionics and humans were able to do this through history all the time and "if this exists" then what other "achievement" has value in life if not realizing this? Finding out that the "legends" were not as baseless fairytales and nighttime stories for children and plebs as the atheist historians tried to make us believe how it was.
>no contradiction with religion
For me "religion" was just an another class with tests. You had to do the tests anything else was just a "tale" like all the tales adults tell then don't let you do know or ask anything too specific because they either don't know the answer or just not willing to tell it. Was so nice when I finally had internet and I could google whatever I wanted to know. Always felt like asking about things from others is a "crime" because somehow I should know that by default or I should see that "they are busy".

>Seeing things doesn't mean to understand anything, or to believe in anything
For me it was the opposite. I had to understand and I had to "believe" and believing is just an "energy loading/connecting mechanism" of sorts. If I had seen the things that are around me and even managed to mention to the mundanes around me I would have ended in a psych ward. Even in elementary school I was bothered by others for being too absorbed into my daydreams...