Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:56 Id: f9f084 No.6432 del
I know, I know. After I become crowned as the God Emperor (my friend Trump said he had that title to share!) I plan on expanding the solar system by adding 2 -3 more suns and planets around them. I think one more grey planet and maybe one or two lyran planets would fit. But the second lyran planet may be more of a vacation project, I will probably be busy with the galactic expansion plan. I guess I forgot to mention this; my other friend Xi said he'd give me 4 galactic fleets which he's had lying around in his backyard since the Maoist days, and I will be using these for conquest! But for now I'm mostly working on C#, practicing polymorphism, still waiting on Trump to call me about the title, but I'm sure he'll get in touch soon, he said he'd be done with the election in 3 - 4 days or so, then ending the Ukraine war, then he'd have time!