Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 15:08 Id: fa4106 No.6547 del
Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.

Why, you may ask?

Social institutions come into being out of perceived necessity, and then perpetuate themselves through coercion. It may be a symbiotic relationship but it is necessary to reject all such ‘benefits’ as something of subjective value and of a surreal quality: a benefit built on the metareality of contemporary civilization as the Arch-construct.

If Anarchy is the rejection of the State as a social institution for its innate coercion, this is the rejection of all social institutions due to all of them being coercive.

Anidrymism may be modified, adapted as a praxis and/or philosophy, etc., for Anidrymism is a concept, a meme at its core. All else is further elucidication on what Anidrymism is, or may be.

P.S. I also believe Anidrymism is an occult channel, much the same way there are infernal, angelic etc. channels. I think that, given the name 'Anidrymism' and the description, that you may be able to connect to this channel. I ask BO to verify its existence and give his assessment as to the viability of this channel. Also, Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.