Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 21:56 Id: 645240 No.6728 del
(141.07 KB 1280x640 society.jpg)
He is a culture icon

>Ukrainians are finally getting tired of the war. Draft officers getting what they deserve.
Took me time to accept just how strong their egregoric pull is on their citizens. When they openly executed the ambassador at the peace talks on a "suspicion of being a Russian spy" for actively working on a peace resolution instead of stalling for time... I realized that they are on such a low mental level and on such a high demoralized brainwashing that they won't rebel because they don't have the will. Dying in a trench is better than rebelling... Took them a while but they reached the tipping point.

I am still not sure what is Macron doing tho with fearmonegring with troops in Odessa threat. Besides trying to anger the press so the farmer protest is being sidelined I am not sure what is he pulling. Tho it's not like I considered him sensible or strategically well positioned. But that's just the French for you. They see the world in a weird haze of egocentrism

Yeah I have no words. I missed this so far