Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 11:15 Id: 3ecbf6 No.6785 del
I guess the takeaway here is that I refuse to regard myself a human, as most humans I know and have interacted with are souped-up animals.

I only wish I could communicate through telepathy. Oh, when will I be without words?

And what pains me the most is that my perception thusly only indicates, at most, me having the potential to be better. Not necessarily me being any better in actuality.

I realized how most everything is utterly contrived bullshit. No one needs philosophy, Esperanto, a business degree. What we need are real, honest skills and experiences. Hunting, skinning, cooking, building shelter... The echoes of what lies before civilization.

And yet... How can we experience what is real? Do we need money or 'leisure' to do it? It is truly a lament of our times that basically no one knows how to actually survive.