Sunflower 02/05/2022 (Sat) 00:22:45 Id: 972fd5 No.679 del
(393.67 KB 800x546 jawbonking.jpg)
Thanks for drawing it up.

Well my problem with maps in general is not that I don't "understand" it but the part where I need to figure out where I am standing currently and where is the way I have to go but yeah that will be the mystery I have to figure out on the way. Whenever I felt absolutely lost was usually when I was inches away from my target destination. It always happened in the past that way

One early transcendental question though.

Why do boddhisatva's even need the donkey's jaw?
>inb4 dude u will find out when you get there lol

I mean Samson just picked up something that was on the ground and it was extremely durable and "blunt" so he smashed all those Philistines with it. I mean that is my guess because that is what I would do. I don't want to read the Book of Judges for further clues now.
What do boddhisatva's even need to fight that it needs a weapon or it's just a tool that looks like it?
My other questions are something that my mind is constantly figuring out but... that jawbone. I need to know.