Sunflower 03/23/2024 (Sat) 20:41 Id: 645240 No.6819 del
>but too many people screech at it
Then do it for the sake of it. Learn the spirit of contrarianism! Cultivate defiance! Never let your dreams be dreams. Post the better ones.

Btw. Do we know something about Haiti? Did any entity or organization take responsibility for that chaos yet? I mean I can say the usual niggers are niggers symptom and leave it that way but
seen this article posted some days ago and wondering about it for a while. Also I know nothing about that shitty new site and their credibility but what they describe is not really impossible in chaotic zones like current Haiti.
I am so unfamiliar with vodou entity authorities and I am not sure I want to get into it nowadays. While it is an effective magic it is somehow "dirty" or more akin "close to dirt" which means it can get messy real fast if you tap an energetic power cable at the start. Otherwise they are silly entities that laugh in the darkness and such. It's unbelievable how that is the only folklore magic that properly survived in the western mainstream nowadays. Not to mention I don't understand how that thing spread from Africa at all and how much it changed as it expanded into the west. That magic is way too simple which means incorporating new entities into it is childplay.

>chewing the same material over and over like a broken record. I don't like the idea, it energetically feels dead or rotten to me.