Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 15:22 Id: 66d629 No.6839 del
Well yeah. Some youtuber got caught with loli and one of his ways to justify it was atleast most of it was 'oppai loli' this actually kind of worked. I also remember years ago redditors having a debate whether or not being attracted to a 18+ flat chested girl is in fact allowable.heres the idea. If you allow depictions of flat chested women in risqué ways(doesn't even have to be porn) then how can you really tell how old they are. Just because in universe she is 20 doesn't mean she looks like it. Now obviously an adult flat chested girl looks waaay different than a child usually. But the idea is where is the exact line... like in theory one could make them look young and just say yeah but she happens to be petite. There's actually real adults that look pretty much 13 or younger if they are skinny and short with a certain face. So the "feminist" or whatever you really wanna say these reddit type people are(probably a bit of a mix with feminism probably as the main bit) just said flat chested girls in general are basically pedo territory. This also kinda mixed in with fat women already being mean to skinny women and it being acceptable to hate on skinny girls so it didn't take much to make being attracted to it bad as well.
the Australia banning happened then I think. It might have died down a bit.the fervor that is.the actual norm of acceptability has kept moving to making it more and more risky.