Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 12:22 Id: 9fcace No.6849 del
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Anti-Christ stories

Part 2

I had Astra record the incoming attack as it proceeded, before containing their 4D form using the fairy shield and starting to sacrifice or sell them to get the energy back. These beings shouldn't have resources, so anything they have is stolen.

I then went to the A-C HQ and asked to have any documentation they had about this thing. My assistant said this wasn't a grimoire, but a "material" which can be used to create one, and got me a bunch of large documents relevant to the field. I asked to have someone come work with me, and they let me pick one from the available students of this kind of material.

It turns out this is "pure evil". It means evil which serves a positive purpose by its form, but it does not know anything about why it is allowed. It's a kind of blind goodness inherent in its form, but not in its material. Anyone looking at the material will just see total evil of the worst kind, and more fanatical than any degen can become, because it isn't evil for a reason, it's just evil in itself, for no reason. Pure evil is "viral evil" trained to perfection, mechanical processes that are eternal without knowing anything about it, it's the result of trial and error forever, survival of the fittest. It can only be eternal if it serves a greater good, and that is how the Anti-Christ organization itself exists.