Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 14:44 Id: 339288 No.6915 del
(225.74 KB 1024x1024 mega tempel ritual2.jpg)
The solution refers to the other half of the bible. The new testament is about Moloch, "how to become a king with ability to lead karma away", which can either remove the karma by burning it, or simply store it. If this is done right or wrong doesn't matter physically, it looks the same at first. Difference being that if it's just stored, it comes back again later. Going around treating illnesses for no reason is a sign it's the bad kind that just absorbs and stores karma.

The old testament is about Yaweh to some degree, but it's mostly about The Great Satan. This is the real organizer of the Earth destruction process, and the one who would be allowed to carry out his plans if no one else does it better.

So in short I was told to "fix it using the Great Satan method" one way or another since it was initiated using that method. No way around it.

I asked for help by posting a request on the temple wall to carry out a suitable ritual last night, which would burn away the remnants of the "big nose". This correlated with a pre-planned event where I suggested burning a fire outside because the Thursday of the Easter week is the "witch's eve" in Nordic countries.

When the fire burned out, there was a piece of charcoal left which was pointed, kind of like a nose or a large vampire killing pole...