Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 22:09 Id: 339288 No.6927 del
>A myriad of rituals for seemingly everything and it can truly grant anything. It's just you need to know what you are signing up for because they are way too specific
This was the intent behind creating it. If the userbase is large enough, you can post a very specific nerd-type request and find at least the needed people to pull off a minor ritual circle, because someone, somewhere just has to understand what you are trying to do.

>should be used by those who feel they have the ability. It's quite intuitive and so diverse you can find any pathworking help you desire there
I don't really look much at what is posted on there, so I don't really know. I just go there and announce a ritual when I need one for something I do. Like this yesterday
>using the great satan method of the bible to hijack his principles and burning the Pinocchio nose while allowing me to internalize the principles in a correct manner
>using a syncing method where the Pinocchio nose energy is worn down by transforming it into male sexual energy and releasing it with the help of a priestess
>so I need one priestess for this ritual