Sunflower 02/11/2022 (Fri) 23:25:56 Id: af5367 No.744 del

Well I don't know how big you are on astrology but... I heard it somewhere the way you "do magic" is best described by your moon sign. And this is a problem because I have my moon in Aries with a tight Mars conjunction and some other funny connections. And while I hate to admit that planets have power over me and over my being...

I have extremely explosive emotions. I had problems with it in my childhood but because I mastered it through the years I can use it for anything. Channeling all consuming rage/kindness/happiness/serenity/lust/fear/whatever into anything is just as simple as starting a program on my PC. Sometimes I have to bottle up my emotions so much (to not scare normies) that letting it out to cast a spell is the most optimal and refreshing way. If you have memories with strong emotions you can use that also. My way is channeling enough emotion or some other energy and "vivid visualization" into the spell that it gets "more real than reality itself". I can do this because I have this attribute. I am not sure this is the way for you. We need to find out your "attributes" (in a not doxx way) to give you a better advice. But then again the way I am doing things is not something I recommend to sane people. I always had a fascination for those who can "go beyond anything" by losing their mind but you need to know what you are doing when you get this extreme.

But mastering the elements is the "professional" way. it's just the elements are simple but complicated at the same time. The more I work with them the more I get surprised what they can do.

Also I cannot give you advice on ceremonial magic types. The most I did was Giving an elf or fae or (I have no idea what it was it looked like Puck from Berserk) a leaf from my tree as a reward for helping me. He really liked that leaf. I gave others some apples but I am not sure they even cared that I gave them that apple. I just left it in the forest And the point of ceremonial magic is not the tools itself but to put you into a "magic mood" or a "magic zone". I am not trying to shit on anyone with this but this is the main and most important point of it. When you master your "magic mood" you don't need this you can do anything with a thought. I am not saying it's simple. If you are not in the "magic mood" then the tools will just not work (except if they are so fucking full of magic that they don't care about your "mood" because they instantly overwrite it with it's power but those are rare)

Then you have the "absolute conviction" and "faith" when you deep down you know that your truth is so real that it bends reality into submission. But that is the "authority" kind of magic. I mean same thing as the previous ones because it's real hard or downright impossible to do any magic if you feel you have no "authority" over it.

Sadly magic is an art and science at the same time. Something that works for other doesn't necessarily work for you. But if you understand why it works for others and complete your understanding then it will work for you.