Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 22:55 Id: 645240 No.7566 del
>incel-/v/ in a nutshell.

>playing videogames

Just went there to check and found a porn thread.

That person is way too adjusted to be a /v/ user. Bing pls
>Yeah. I stopped playing such games around 2003

Yeah that's cool but thx to being a 2nd worlder my first game was Tarzan around 2004 and other demo CDs and pirated burned CDs that I had to get from others because we didn't have internet. Having a console was a luxury. My parents would have never bought me one. Never even tried asking for one because the shit I had to go through for even daring to propose that we buy an aquarium where I took care of the fish for a decade and the only reason they died because I went to uni and dad forgot to feed them...
I never had chance to play "real games". The doom and gloom the 90s and the early 2000s bought was the worst. Only the internet showed me that there is more to this world.