Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 19:06:29 Id: 845da4 No.787 del
>Humans when born only have one portion of this "love".

And how do I know if I spent it or not?
I know it's called "love" and "lust" for a reason. I know the difference between love and lust.

>It's when someone loves themselves over everything else, and invests the love and devotion only in themselves.

I love myself because I realized that is the most efficient way. and I never found anyone who truly deserves my love ;_;

>love and devotion only in themselves.

Now what does this mean.
I figured out how I can "love" things I hare so if I have to do them I don't feel that much resistance while doing it. How do I know if I was my "only love" or if my love is "true" enough so it counts as a "portion of love".

Do I have to ask a demon how much lust I borrowed or this minor thing even counts as "lust"?

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