Sunflower 05/24/2024 (Fri) 12:30 Id: fea48d No.7875 del
Solving this BS with no survivors...

Analysing the very damaging energy stream from the Taiwanese gun, (simple catching the ray in real time as they fired it and reading its contents) I came to the conclusion it was using "consumerism", which is stated as the driving force behind the post-war economy. This has been slightly touched on by some people pretending to be insiders on /pol/ and various blogs: that the true value for any country is its population size.

Production ability, innovation, natural resources, army, government type, these are all secondary factors. The real resource which has replaced the gold standard for currency, is "the human standard". Compare a human to a machine; humans maintain themselves, they will try to survive on their own, no need to tell them to. They will have an energy output no matter what you do. They will move to the location where resources exist, on their own. It's like the reason why armies on the march in the past would keep livestock like sheep with them. Once you turn them into food you have an issue of preserving and transporting it. Sheep will maintain themselves, and they transport themselves. Just let them graze on a field.

This is the reason for the immigration hysteria in the west. China, India, and Africa in general have no problems with lacking in population size. They may be racist in their actions but they don't even need to have active racism to dominate the areas. In the west, the spread of racist ideology is the biggest threat to the increase in population size, seen from the view of the rulers. The reason is that they are insane. They want to kill babies with abortion, indoctrinate men into becoming cucks ruled by insane child murderer females, and at the same time they want a large population. These are mutually exclusive.

The adrenachrome addicts can't address the source of the issue, because the source of the problem is themselves. They are killing the hen and wondering why they no longer have eggs.

Anyway. I created a way to control and harness this energy type directly. It's a device in the style of the Total Core, but its function is inspired by the hand made cyborgs I encountered, the result of using the device is a body type with a slime exoskeleton and a filling of ash. The shell is string particles reduced to points, and the same for the ash. If you're interested in understanding it, just examine it yourself.

Device: [V-cat]

Total core conversion: [Default module]
The module for consumerism is: [communist loli]
There is also a converted Raid Alcoholic: [party girl]

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