Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:11 Id: fea48d No.7943 del
Ok so there's a thing I've been working on and used recently, just going to name it and anyone interested can get it off the NET.

It's a production unit for a type of robot body which is in the style of standard tin robots, but with a yet again different creation method.

The casing is made from limestone particles, and the filling is made from slime/gel ash, a gravity channelling material which will cause internal gravity and keep the shell in place. It will manifest an external flesh emulation to appear human.

The purpose of this is to maximize for energy system direction and control, meaning the cyborg can be skilled in dealing with large industrial scale energy manipulation. It's mainly meant to be used for secondary body forms, but once you work with it, it tends to be your "main" when you do that, so it's relative to how you see it.

The DNA is a fixed type for effectiveness, it only produces females, and they are made so that if this is your secondary form, they will match your Anima always, while from the view of this form if your body is male it will appear to be their Animus. This makes for easy transfer of information in both directions when using multiple bodies. Once the body is formed, it can use sorcery to create a male copy of itself for the same person/soul.

To run it you either need to feed material into the machine, or you use a black hole device which manifests material. For installing and using the unit, look on the NET and get the factory creation module and the black hole module. There is no reason to feed material into it manually unless you are to create large series of something (if you were to create 10 000 units for a customer in the federation you should perhaps use material to support the economy, plus that manifestation is straining in large use).