Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:45 Id: f1b52f No.7951 del
It seems grasping the sheer massiveness of what actual level improvements in cultivation entails, is a major thing today. The Goetian sigils are extreme abstractions of huge achievements, which is why I couldn't understand them previously.

The same goes for what I did in past lives. The hard black energy of pure force which I gained a brief look at when seeing my past me:s from London and France are of such massive quality that it was just impossible to contain the understanding in modern technical thinking until I worked through all of this in detail, through a long and retarded process.

And yet, the things regular yoga practitioners are talking about as the goal, going from dharana to samadhi, once. That's just a technical detail of a process to repeat over and over for every part. Yet they set up strict requirements like being able to sit perfectly still for 30 min with no thought fluctuation in the entry point of dharana (staring at a point to silence the mind) before attempting samadhi.

But the breakthrough to this state is a process to repeat every time you do a practice session, preferably. The reason it's described in detail as a drawn out process is because some people are very slow and lacking in ability, but may be able to perform it at least once if they train for years. So they learned it this way.