Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 09:54 Id: 1424ad No.7964 del
(117.37 KB 1024x1024 metal core factory.jpg)
>a production unit for a type of robot body which is in the style of standard tin robots, but with a yet again different creation method
A special variant of the same kind of production unit - because it is necessary.

I call this method "metal core", it uses a fractal approach where the body layer is a single cell, but each cell itself has the same make-up on other planes, and throughout the body's construct. The surface casing is made from "surfer metal slime" and the core is made from a special version of gravity channelling ash. It still emulates any DNA.

The purpose of this construction version is to produce "instrumental masculinity", and for the cyborg to be a personal trainer type who can guide someone in this.