Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:50 Id: 1424ad No.7974 del
Maybe, just maybe.

Well what do I know anymore. What are breakthroughs like?

I do feel however there was a significance this time, structurally.

Early on when talking about this stuff with the Queen and others they said one can be a buddha of the insect level, the level of science. A bug-buddha of the "bugghism" religion... But then one can be also any level within the infernal plane, an infernal... something.

It seems everyone who did this in the past, almost all of the known ones, were not beyond being an insect-enlightened being. Most of those known widely were virus-buddha, lower than insects in their thinking, and not at all immortal.

Being an Arhat of Arhat is then the first genuine achievement. There would then be the Bodhisattva of Arhat level, and so on, until going all the way and being a genuine Bodhisattva of Bodhisattva level.

But at some point along the way, the way of understanding these levels just ends, changes, things stop being the way they looked. It appears what was considered common knowledge among esotericists in the past was at some kind of enlightened level, having worked far into the deeper planes.

That thing about the 2 fishes and 5 breads in the new testament. It suddenly fell into place for me. The breads are round, and they were baked from grains that grew as straws. This image shows the long particles being then broken off to become round. There were 5 of them. These are the five major breakthroughs I went through, with the 5th being right after xmas of last year when I achieved the kitsune kami form after studying Japanese literature and kanji for a focused 4 months.

The 2 fishes very correctly work as the next two planes coming after, up until touching the inner bodhisattva level on the second round. Fishes works in this story, but they also have some kind of symbolism tied to them in that their bones create the same shape as the skeleton of leaves, the form of "trends". Hard experience which isn't really transferrable into new situations, but work well if kept in the place they were intended to be used. The "1 or 2 levels beyond higher gods" which were talked of back when Snail was still around. It also matches the extensive use of training DNA forms using mental/astral AI vs the Akashic records which I've used in the past years, with a strong focus on it for the duration of this year when I started working on cyborgs.

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