Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 9387e9 No.8036 del
For those interested in a very lewd sounding explanation of the mechanics, here goes, in a language where the energy system is explained using common language:

At the bottom layer are yin and yang, and same at the top layer. These are of the colours red and white. The lower layer is subordinate. When we explain this in regular language the white energy is "copulin" or girl-cum. The red is the penis with erection. When these are connected it creates a "reverse impregnation" where the female can insert her DNA into the male, and by that create mind control. The degenerate male who seeks to escape the control, will switch the energy roles, and assume the white energy for himself, which replaces the correct male sperm with "girl-cum" which is a lower level and subordinate substance. This energy is too low to actually work for transfer of DNA into a normal egg provided by the female, so the weak male who chose the subordinate role will now seek to push the female further down below him to the red energy subordinate to this level: menstruation. This is where an infertile egg is ejected (red) and then the inferior version of DNA (white) are connected to create a complete egg, but this is abnormal and creates degenerated humans.

The correct method is to allow for the mindcontrol by the female, and simply rise above it, by then activating the dominant white male energy, which is then aimed at the womb, which here is representing the higher red energy. The womb here then assumes the role of a "mouth" rather than an outlet for eggs.

The correctly formed system will then override the lower dirty system with ease, even if the lower system was connected all the way from Mexico to Ukraine.