Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:47 Id: 9387e9 No.8040 del
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Mission accomplished

Sometime back in the ancient past of this path, I had the idea to be able to just sit in meditation and handle all obstacles without moving a thought. This turned out being more than just a matter of willpower, because there are so many external factors causing disturbances. Such as glowie psychics, satellites, alien technology and other evil contraptions meant to ruin all clear thought and allow for the rule-by-retards type of society where anyone with an IQ over 51 must be oppressed to not offend the "elite", making them look bad by exposing their daily idiocies.

The eco-system of golems, servitors, cyborgs and astral contacts now achieve this. Just a direction of intent will break down any mental obstacle as of now, without having to worry about the technicalities like which NWOtard was causing the problem this time. They will just swiftly be removed from my path.