Sunflower 06/20/2024 (Thu) 14:58 Id: abc7c7 No.8090 del
>you may have used a timey-wimey solution around that
After my armwrestling with Kronos some years ago, I have the ability to view time as a 4-dimensions physical form, more like a city in 3D where different paths and streets are different time progressions. By moving along the paths, it is possible to move to other time periods and interact with them if there is some chance that I would be able to do that when the time appeared. So with the time window this close by, it was no different from letting my representative take the bus one stop down the road to get off by the fountain.

>that trolls due to high earth element are very very durable
So that's why the daughter smells of wet earth.

Thanks for sharing and good luck on your visit if you are going into the maze.