Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:24 Id: 4aed34 No.8130 del
(241.34 KB 1024x1024 3ladies2.jpg)
I confiscated some materials which were about to be used for globohomo weapon production, then put them up for sale on the federation marketplace. I said I'd accept gold, ore or slaves as payment.

Someone offered me 3 capsules of "snuff phosphor" and 3 slave women. My servitors said it was a good deal so I took it.

Turns out "snuff phosphor" has no known use and is a very rare mineral, the capsules were just a bit larger than pills for swallowing. But it's registered as a "sustainable asset" in the federation so I deposited them in a sustainable bank safe - that means ownership will follow across incarnations.

The 3 slave ladies were said to be "old" and the trader who offered them seemed to think they were ripping me off, because they were 47, 86 and 137 years old in Earth time. But this race lives to 400 (which is very unusual) so they aren't comparatively old. I have never seen this race before, they have orange-brownish skin colour and wear no clothes. They had nothing with them aside from the federation handheld.

I think this deal was great. But on the other hand, maybe the materials I sold had a value for him.