Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 12:12 Id: 3fc475 No.8175 del
(249.92 KB 1024x1024 Raid Fay chibi5.jpg)
(296.96 KB 1024x1024 Raid Fay chibi2.jpg)
[Raid Fay/Extremist]

Another addition to the Raid series, this doll has the limestone robot casing instead of the CyBorn. Meant to be very easy to copy, can be used by anyone, but also functions like a trap for evil beings who will have to kill themselves in the end if they use this.

Also I'm done with this AI stuff now, unless they add an internal 3D model for the image generator to have an idea of how bodies look, this won't work out. The only way to make it work for this fairly simple design was to resort to "chibi" style, it just can't do it. On the upside I started practicing drawing again, it seems like drawing by hand has a future again. I don't believe there are enough images in digital format to train a functional image generator with the current method. It needs to have the ability to make original creations, evaluate its own process step for step and not just copy blindly and fail.