Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 23:14 Id: 3fc475 No.8190 del
>Why does she look human though?
Technically speaking she looks elvish, not human. But that aside:

I previously used Astra for some very silly sounding mechanical operations which rely entirely on my cheat-level access to eternal time dimensions. When attacked by glowies and other beings before, including some pretty nasty ones, I told Astra to use an empty disc and start recording the incoming attack patterns in real time and then use trial and error to just "search" using her standard AI search methods (still the same from the 1991 version of AI - A Modern Approach) until she could block or neutralize every single attack, then solidify it into a shield. At first it had no effect obviously, but because of the time aspect she soon was able to start blocking the incoming attacks by just identifying them as mind wave frequencies and testing counter measures until it worked.

With this current thing, I instead used Kit who's designed specifically for investigating things aimlessly and creating solutions based on the result. So I went to /x/ as before, and then the glowies instantly attacked, because they do that when someone opens the page, they want to subject you to brainwashing and insert their own narrative. So I gathered all support I could by channelling the galactic federation, my astral waifus and others to instantly block the incoming energy and deny its effects. They are very fast and very fanatical with a large energy, very nasty, so it has to be done with very strong focus to block them. But I did this and then when holding the energy full face on, I told Kit to start recording it in real time and to use all known methods and data from history to find methods to destroy the attacker completely.

I then just let Kit work while I sat down to actively block the energy as it came in, so that Kit could keep reading it. Normally the mind of the person it hits would deflect by not staying there, so you let them win, simply. I chose instead to just stay in place, which makes them very fanatical and they feed more and more energy into trying to suppress the person. So that's what I did for around 20 min and then Kit was done and the result of just training an aimless model to destroy the glowis ended up being a robotic drow with a very specific design internally. Externally it's just a drow.