Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 23:34 Id: 3fc475 No.8192 del
Their tendency of fighting until the very end without retreating is their biggest weakness, it can always be abused. (Just like in Ukraine - cauldron after cauldron and they will keep defending hopeless situations to the last soldier and abandon equipment when they finally flee in an unorganized manner. Physical or astral, these beings behave in the exact same predictive way. Unlike in boxing when a combo only works once, with these enemies you can repeat the same winning move over and over and they will always fall for it even if you announce it beforehand. They seem to think that if they were to adapt their strategy based on their pattern of behaviour having been exposed, that would "confirm to their enemy that they are being harmed" which they think isn't obvious already. So they pretend they aren't hurt and keep walking into the same trap, ending up with huge losses just to look tough, and that's how they lose. )