Sunflower 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:54 Id: 6019f9 No.8214 del

As of now, the microcosm (universe) is cleared and a new created, the macrocosm (galaxy) is cleared and a new created, and lastly the Earth has been created anew. But we are in the process of moving everyone who should stay onto the new ascended planet, while also training the new human race(s). They are in a state of hivemind right now, we have inserted them using timelines which stretch back to 2006 and before to get some of them up to adult size in time. They are living mixed into society as it is today, also NPCs but you can recognize them by their vibrancy and their ability to reason intelligently as a group. Those you see will appear as "perfect nordics" as of now. There are variants being developed in other regions as well, but you are not likely to see them at your locations. They are being trained so that their collective subconscious has ways to deal with all situations, so when you do spot them you will see them in all kinds of places. Some are even in Gaza and some may die there, but the experiences are recorded in their collective and in the future those memetic structures will tell everyone, including NPCs how to behave in war, and it's included which ones were lost and which survived. This structure can already be internalized by you as your local copy of the hivemind, should you so prefer.

The genso-cat souls are currently not incarnated permanently in the new race(s), they are still skipping around to gain experience and to correct hivemind behaviours when needed by piloting them. Those who are permanent walk-ins are those who man the positions we do not want to lose, such as the now-famous witch-master in Brazil. We can't have that genetic line lost so it's been permanently manned by one of our summons, same for some other places were we want to transfer this genetic material into the ascended planet.

Currently the society you know maintains its structure. This is because it's not possible to just suddenly delete entire cities off the map. We can use "mandela effects" to change the map and move Colombia (lol, almost no one noticed, this is how intelligent humans are) but we can't suddenly delete Paris for example. 96,7% of the structure must be removed. This corresponds to how degenerated humans have become. We said that we would keep 3% of the population of souls. We are now below that, and reptilians as a group were moved to reincarnate someplace far away in other galaxies, only those who converted to a validated race were allowed to stay (black cat male/female or demon male/female, we didn't keep the "African" race even if they have a DNA stone because we don't want those with dark skin on the new planet, blacks were converted to black cat and their offspring in the future if they stay will be light skinned).