07/13/2024 (Sat) 20:08
Id: fa6c50
I realized though something is perfectly clear to me, I can't explain it because it's too intuitive and too abstract.
If you have a force of any kind, it's possible to make it serve you and be in your benefit no matter its direction or nature. You need only widen the view enough to see the full mechanics of it. That's how it works for me, but I realize from the view of those taking up the opposing position, it's the opposite:
If the perspective is widened, they will experience that even their own actions are working to their own detriment. So they need to narrow the view and not look at the full picture to maintain the understanding that what they do is good for them. But then, why can't they maintain this narrow view for themselves, while I see from the greater view that it's all for me, and they are free to believe it's for them?
See what I mean?
Edited last time by bard on 07/13/2024 (Sat) 20:11.