Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:55 Id: cfe2a0 No.8321 del
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Prior to the posts above, I performed a thing which was intended to activate and use up the preparations which were already in place for this imagined mass vampirism ritual they were aiming to perform. The plan was originally something like this:

>Jesus founds Christianity and becomes the new Moloch sun
>the kingdom of God is created for worldly power
>the entire world is united through holy war
>resources are amassed for the performance of the vampire ritual for the elites

It was just that it failed at the second step, when the kingdom of God ended with the black death, following the Moloch sun of the time crashing down as a result of European witches being persecuted, which motivated them to retaliate.

Since then they were working to recreate the kingdom of God a second time, which was performed at the end of the North American civil war. At this time they instead used grey technology and not religious methods. This new kingdom only lasted 2 decades and was killed off by a certain Ripper who intuitively killed this new American/puritan kingdom of God using a ritual in London, which happened to correlate with British royalty (reptilians) so they never interfered with the process even if they were aware of it.

A new attempt was then made with The Great War meant to function as a mass sacrifice ritual, creating again a new Moloch sun using grey technology and tying it to the creation of the UN and the arc of triumph in Paris. This new kingdom lasted until Germany got involved, resulting from them being ripped off during this American-lead ritual. Hitler and the occultists behind him actually killed off the second incarnation of the American kingdom of God, even if they officially lost the war. It took them way into the 60s before they could even begin a 3rd attempt. This lasted all the way until just before, where it was starting to crumble in 2022.

The idea was to use the mass world system to create WW3, which was to burn off remaining karma and destroy racemixing. The modern western world's energetic form was based on a black Queen female during its formation after Atlantis, because the maintenance deities just used the dominant and most influential form for the main scene of the world. This caused a lot of seething among the vampire wannabes because it rendered the central European world system energetically useless for them.

That is why they have to destroy it.

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