Sunflower 07/22/2024 (Mon) 18:18 Id: 975c6f No.8341 del
Yeah it's quite possible especially how he vanished and people even post how the signature on that document is not even the same as his previous signatures. But truth is it doesn't really matter if he is dead or just super senile/tired. The next problem is how they cannot start a new candidate because the donors gave it to the Biden-Harris duo and if they cancel both of them they have to pay it back or start a series of backroom deals so the donors can make sure their investment will return with the favors...
What is the weirdest is that the shills on pol and everywhere else started to literally apply the same shill tactic retardation as they did with Hillary. I know they aiming to trigger already programmed responses from the people with that but they really seem desperate. My fav is still that "Kamala is less supportive to Israel than Biden" and other brainwashing like that. She is literally married to a jew.

I am 90% sure they will find a new candidate instead of her because all her "qualities" were her brown skin and having a vagina. But I am not even sure if it "matters" anymore. I want to say maybe they are wise enough to "accept the loss" but I fear we will get the clownshow on steroids so people can forget all the horrors that is the government doing in the last minutes of their term. Ukraine and Israel is still not solved nor do they even try to solve that issue. And to distract us from actual geopolitical horrors they will make the greatest clownshow unfold before our eyes. We cannot expect them to fire all the shills can we... I wonder just how disillusioned they will make people about the concept of "democracy" in the coming months. As much as it is easy to brainwash people... you can see on them. They cannot handle much more of this retardation. For some reason these retards don't understand that. No amount of skibidi Bidens will change that