Sunflower 07/22/2024 (Mon) 22:13 Id: eead3f No.8344 del
I don't remember exactly when, but during a grey channelling, my contact said both Joe Biden and Bill Clinton were robots sold by interdimensional greys for use as presidents which the democrats and the deep state could remote control directly. But they also have organic components and they were made by greys who don't really understand these parts, that's why both of them are known as perverts.

The Queen directed me to kill the biden-bot some 2 years ago, it was being directly controlled and powered by a team of greys, so even putting strong pressure on him it was very difficult to destroy him. After this, they used reptilian shapeshifters to act as him, and downright actors with rubber masks in some cases. Reptilians can change their appearance in the eyes of humans, it's a trick which fools the human brain even through a camera. We kept killing anyone acting as Biden for weeks, until the timeline collapsed and they were forced to accept that the galactic federation took over the white house. Since then Biden has been played by a federation robot instead, slowly playing out the process of his decay to make this happen in a way that gets accepted. The USA surface organization with CIA was among the weakest of the NWO structure so it was pretty easy to take them out. The reason it's not possible to RV the white house or visit via astral travel, is now that the galactic federation controls and shields the area.

The real tough opponents were all in deep underground military bases, DUMBs, in Ukraine, hidden in parallel dimensions and even using time travel to hide in a possible future which they were trying to make real. Some were on space stations outside the planet, some in hidden cities "south of Antarctica", in the Rocky mountains and all over the place. The US government is just a puppet show, but it can be used to change the direction somewhat if you control it.