Sunflower 07/23/2024 (Tue) 20:16 Id: eead3f No.8351 del
Sometimes I feel like I am just "not seeing the massacre for all the murders" or whatever the expression should be in this case. I know the Russian witches (not unlike djinn) are brutal in ways the far exceed my concept of what purpose is behind something in the end. They do something because it works, for their own ends, and they are very analytical in their work towards that goal.
Something within me just doesn't like the idea of trading 1000 of my own soldiers per day to kill 5000 of the enemy if it's real life and not a game, but it's very possible they just calculated it and found that this is a win, and that the goal is complete eradication of all Ukrainian males who have any small tendency of aggression against Russia. Western media are lying about the numbers like a pig squeals when you cut its throat so it can't be trusted at all. Maybe we are mere weeks from total Ukrainian defense collapse and it's a fixed number to trade and this is just acceptable.