Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:23 Id: 975c6f No.8385 del
>It looks like generative AI already peaked
All they did was castrate it. Ofc it started to fall.
VHS supposedly defeated Betamax because the porn industry chose it so did Bluray defeat HDDVD for the same reason. And don't forget back then there were no forced inclusivity and other ESG retardations. You cannot do "anything" when you reach any state of success you are suddenly supposed to lobotomize everything you have so you don't hurt the feelings of someone(extremely malicious stocktraders).

But I must say I am not that surprised. The entertainment aspect of the AI was bastardized the informational analysis part is half baked or closed from the public. Development is definitely expected but it might be more "silent" because the overhype is finally gone. Stock trader overhype is always the worst curse of every technology.

Remember when technology was a "nerd thing" and professionalism was an expected feature? Then iPhone came and it became "trendy" and normalfags ruined it like mold ruins a good bread.